Life Coaching

Let's work together to develop the tools you need to start living the fulfilling life you deserve!
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Do you have a desire to make changes in your life? Do you have a feeling that you are not living your life’s purpose and passion? Do you feel stuck in any or all areas of your life? Do you feel that you are at a crossroads, that it is time to live your life more fully, but are not quite sure where to start? Do you see patterns repeating themselves in regard to your own physical, emotional or spiritual well-being, in your personal and/or work relationships, in regard to your finances, health or other areas of your life?

I spent many years feeling stuck and unfulfilled. I looked for what was missing in other people, things, and situations. None of this worked. In fact it drained me on all levels, physical and financial, emotional and spiritual. When I started looking within, I began to find direction. People were placed in my life to guide me, to help me to define what I wanted, to be a true gift to myself and others – to be me. Today I live a fulfilling life full of love, happiness and abundance on all levels.

Whatever your desires are – to make changes in your current relationships, career, financial, physical or living situations; to attract your ideal partner into your life; to break a habit or to move in a different spiritual direction, I can guide and support you in identifying and taking the action necessary to make those desires your reality. Each of us has come into this world with a set of talents, interests, and abilities. These are our gifts. It is only when we tap into those gifts, acknowledge them and share them with the world that we truly become empowered.

As your life coach, I will work with you to help you:

 Identify your personal goals and desires – where you are now and where you want to be.
 Identify the fears, beliefs and habits that are blocking you from moving forward.
 With this information in hand I will offer ideas, observations and processes to support and guide you in changing your thoughts, deciding what action you need to take and in discovering ways to implement that action.
 We will work together – using various tools, including Law of Attraction processes, meditation, and many other processes – to empower you and make your dreams and your desires your reality!

I will share with you my personal experience together with all of the tools and information that I have gathered to help me change my perspective and live each day to the fullest. Among other things, I will teach you to:

Trust yourself – find your inner voice and your inner guidance
Believe in yourself – have faith in your ability to overcome any challenge
Know yourself – discover what brings you true joy and fulfillment – what makes your heart sing
Free yourself – let go of limiting thoughts and beliefs
Empower Yourself – know that there are no limits – if you can dream it you can have it
Love Yourself – until you learn to love yourself you cannot fully and unconditionally love others
Express Yourself – tap into your own creativity – identify your own natural gifts and talents
 Celebrate Yourself – acknowledge your own gifts and accomplishments
 Be True to Yourself – own your yes and own your no – learn to listen to your inner guidance
 Value Yourself – truly know that you are valuable simply because you are you
 Envision Your Desires – decide how you want your future to look and hold that vision
 Love your life as it is and look to the future with excitement and positive expectation